
Friday, February 14, 2014

Heart Penguin Craft

I got this idea from here. I wanted something simple and cute to do with my kids for Valentine's Day and this seemed perfect.

What you'll need:
  • Construction paper (black, white and orange)
  • Googly eyes
  • Crayons or markers (optional)
  • Glue
  • Scissors

We cut out an egg shape (somewhat!) out of the black construction paper. Then we cut out an heart shape from the white paper. Next, we glued three small hearts out of the orange paper - one nose, and two feet. Lastly, we glued on the googly eyes.

After we completed these, the kids begged me to let them put a mouth and hair on the penguins. Brianna said her penguin looked way too much like a boy! Of course I said yes. I got out yarn and some sparkly jewels. Here are their final creations:

Brianna (hers is on the left in this picture, on the right in the top picture) was determined that hers was going to have a mouth (see the yarn smile?) and teeth to chomp with (three pieces of orange construction paper). I thought that was pretty cute. Hunter just kind of followed in Brianna's footsteps!

This was a cute, simple craft. We've been snowed in here for a few days so it was something to break the monotony. A great craft for them, ages 3 and 4, so if your children are between 2 and 5 I would say they'd like this creation. Happy crafting!

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