Friday, May 6, 2011


Similac formula (x10)
RP $3.84. Used $5.00 coupon. FP - +$1.16 each


RP $1.78. Used free coupon = Free

Suave conditioner

RP $2.94. Used free coupon = Free

Uncle Ben's rice

RP $1.34. Used free coupon = Free

Apples - $1.10

Garden stakes - $2.88

Should have paid $48.44
OOP - Was paid $6.21 in cash

Okay, there was a MAJOR issue today in this shopping trip. No one that I came in contact with realized that the new coupon policy does allow for cash back at the end of a transaction and they were pretty rude to me about it. It took about an hour for all my shopping and being shuffled to THREE different registers AND customer service. Get it together, Walmart! Inform your employees of your policy so the customers don't have to!

But still... 10 bottles of formula, a few freebies, and some things I needed plus still making money... I guess I can't complain too much. :)

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