Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lowes Foods (FBF Shopping)

These are some things that were not necessarily "blow-out" deals or anything, but I consider them to be things we desperately need for Fed By Faith or they were on clearance. I'm posting this in the hopes that if you need these items that were on clearance, maybe you can run out and find them as well!

Cottonelle toilet paper (4-pack) (x2)
RP $4.29. Minus $0.50/2 coupon. Minus $0.50/2 e-coupon. FP - $3.54 each

Cottonelle wipes
RP $2.59. Minus $0.50 coupon. Minus $0.50 e-coupon. FP - $1.09

Kelloggs Pop Tarts (x3)
RP $2.49. SP $2.00. Minus $1.00/3 e-coupon. FP - $1.67 each

Kool-Aid Invisible drink mix (19 oz)
RP $3.99. Found on clearance rack for $2.38. (Grape and cherry)

Quaker chewy granola bars
RP $2.85. Found on clearance rack for $1.43 (peanut butter chocolate chip)

Lowes Foods squeeze mayo (18 oz)
RP $2.39. Found on clearance rack for $1.23


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