Thursday, May 31, 2012

Frugal End of the Year Gifts

Brianna had awesome teachers at preschool this year. Unfortunately we just don't have the money to splurge on a big present for all of them, so we have to get creative in our gift-giving!!

I got these cute baskets at a yard sale for just $1 each. They still had the tags on them and were in perfect condition. Now I just had to fill them up!

I got a really cute idea from an awesome blog, Skip to My Lou. She has a tutorial for making a personalized calculator. I figured this would be something school-related that her teachers could use around the house or at school in the future. And it's so easy to create!

First of all, purchase a solar calculator. Get scrapbook paper or cardstock in any pattern you want. I chose the alphabet ones since it's sort of school-related!

Lay the calculator on the paper. Trace around the calculator with a pencil.

Cut within the boundary of the line you just drew by 1/8″ or so, so that the paper piece fits perfectly on the back of the calculator.

Apply a thin coat of Mod Podge to the paper piece with the foam brush, and then adhere it to the back of the calculator, making sure to smooth out any bubbles.

Apply 2-3 light coats of Mod Podge over the paper, allowing each coat to dry for 10 minutes or so before adding the next. When the last coat is applied, allow the Mod Podge to dry completely.

Using a computer and printer, print the equation gift tag (download from here) onto cardstock. I just used a cream cardstock. Cut the tags out with scissors, and have your child write his or her teachers’ names and their name onto the tags. 
Now, slip the finished calculator into a treat bag (these can be found at the dollar store with party supplies), and close the bag with a piece of ribbon threaded through the gift tag.

Super cute personalized calculator!

Next, I asked Brianna what she wanted to get her teachers. She was adamant they each needed a flower, a drink, and a snack. Easy enough!

I bought big flower pins at Michaels and just pinned them on the front of the baskets for a little decoration. I bought drink mix for the "drink" and a tiny box of Goldfish for the "snack". Her teachers know how much she loves her Goldfish so I thought this would be a cute reminder of her. I also slipped in a candle for each and a bath gel for each teacher.


And voila! End of the year gifts complete! Now they may not ever use the flower, but at least everything else in this gift (including the basket) is going to get used in some way. This was a simple gift but I loved the fact that it was personalized by what Brianna wanted to include for them.

What did you guys do for end of the year presents?

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