Sunday, June 17, 2012

Frugal Father's Day Crafts

Gotta celebrate Dad on Father's Day! My husband and I don't exchange gifts at holidays but I knew he couldn't resist a cute craft made by his children!

I found a really cute idea from Share and Remember for Hunter to do. The poem says "Here is my little footprint/One day it will fit your shoe/I watch what you are doing/Because Daddy I want to be like you"

I got scrapbook paper ($0.49 a sheet) and printed the poem from my home computer. I already had the paint, so I painted Hunter's feet and kind of got him to put his footprints on the poem!! I figured it was realistic - we can't ever keep Hunter still!

I also found a cute idea from La-La's Home Daycare for Brianna. I got a sheet a scrapbook paper ($0.49). I painted Brianna's hands red and got her to put her hand prints on the paper. Then I used scrapbook letters ($1.99) to write out "Best Dad Hands Down". 

I got both of them laminated just because I know what tends to happen to crafts like this over time! The laminating was about $3 at the UPS store. The link shows that you can punch holes in it and hang it by ribbon but I decided we didn't need to do that.

Then, my friend Glennette at church had the kids make a coffee mug! You can get white mugs at the dollar store. Use craft paint to write the kids' names on them. Put paint on your kids feet to get foot prints if you want to. My children's feet were too big!! So we painted one thumb (daddy's head) and one pinky (child's head) and drew the stick figures attached to the kids. Super cute! Bake it in the oven on low for around 10 hours and it will be set and dishwasher safe!

 She also printed out this poem called "My Hands". It says, "Sometimes you get discouraged/Because I am so small/And always leave my fingerprints/On furniture and walls/But everyday I'm growing/I'll be grown up someday/And all those tiny handprints/Will simply fade away/So here's a final handprint/Just so you can recall/Exactly how my fingers looked/When I was very small."

Then we painted Brianna's hand red and Hunter's hand blue and stuck their hands on the poem. Too cute!

Yay for frugal Father's Day crafts!

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